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Selectmen Minutes 05/24/2016

 Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Members Present: Richard DeBold, Jeff Jordan, Tom Jameson, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard, and Administrative Assistant Kristy McIntosh

Others Present: Chief Quimby, Ed Millette, Matt Cole, Stephen Stock, Jim Plunkett, Craig McIntosh, Tom Houle, Michelle Haftmen, Lucille Noel and other members of the public.

Call to Order Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Chief Quimby stated that they did a control burn last Saturday.  Volunteers from Concord, Epsom, Pittsfield, and Loudon came to participate.  Chief Quimby stated that the burn went very well.  They had a minor issue with the ashes being dumped into the basement and continue to burn, but Mr. Plunket brought the backhoe down to excavate. The burn started at 5:30am till just after 9:00pm.  

Mr. Stock stated that he went to Central NH Trailers to look at new trailers to tow the mule.  The current one is at maximum capacity or over.  The one he is currently looking at is estimated to cost $9,000.00 and is a 16ft enclosed trailer. He plans to put it in as a warrant article as he has not had any luck with finding a grant.  

Building Inspector-
Mr. Cole stated that so far in May he has issued four commercial permits and 12 residential permits including four new houses.  Total permit fees for the year total approximately $12,000.00.  Total property evaluation for the year is over $1,000,000.00.  

Mrs. Pinard stated that Mr. Cole has been working really hard covering for Mr. Freeman putting in a lot of extra hours.  Loudon will be covering while Mr. Cole is on vacation in June.  The two towns attorney’s Mr. Mayer has looked over the agreement and the Loudon Board of Selectmen are reviewing it tonight.  Mrs. Pinard will have the agreement for the Board next Tuesday.

Mr. Plunkett stated that Horse Corner Road is done being paved and he just has a few signs to finish putting up.   He stated that it came out very well and that the ditch line down by Higgins Rd. is done.  

Mr. Plunkett stated that he will be putting in fill by Towel farm in the ditch to build it up prior to winter.

Mr. Plunkett stated that they are doing grading when they can.  Hutchinson Road is in week four and there were only two potholes, so it was holding up very well.  
Mr. Plunkett dropped off fill at the request of the Historical Society in the back of the parking lot of Town Hall.  

Mr. Plunket stated that they filled all the pot holes in town on May 12th.

Mr. Plunkett was asked if he checked Mr. McIntosh’s driveway on Canterbury Road.  Mr. Plunkett stated that when he does the culverts after school gets out he would fix it.  

Ms. Noel stated that the Library had the book and plant sale and thanks to Millican’s donating plants they were able to take in over $1200.00  

The Library has created a new policy for selling items on EBay with the help of Mr. DeBold.  

Ms. Noel stated that there is a busy summer planned for reading camp and activities.

Suncook Regional Valley Town Association-
This association was formed in 2007. There is a rep from each town that meets from each town to discuss regional issues.  Mr. DeBold was urging either Mr. Jameson or Mr. Jordan to attend the meeting this Thursday.  All Selectmen were busy with prior obligations, however a representative will need to be chosen for future meetings.

Public Input-

Planning Board Meeting Room-
Mr. Jordan stated that he would really like to use the Fire Departments room for Planning Board meetings.  He cannot hear up in the Grange and he stated people leave meetings not knowing what the Planning Board has asked of them.  

Chief Quimby stated that he is already working on quotes to make the building ADA compliant and secure for meetings.

Mr. Cole on that note brought up that the Town has no future plans for infrastructure and should start planning for new Town offices and Library etc.  It would be good to at least have a place holder to start putting aside funds.   

Mr. McIntosh asked why everyone could not use the Fire Department since it was built to have a community room.  

Mr. Cole stated that when the Safety building was built it had a community room which is now the Police Department, so there was no actual community room any longer.  

Mr. Plunket stated that he had an idea to buy the piece of property on the side of the Fire Department that is for sale and build a new building there that could be used for Town offices and meeting rooms and community use.  

Old Home Day-
Ms. Noel asked for the Old Home Day Committee if there was any news on the insurance rider for the event.

Mrs. Pinard stated that the Town does not pick up insurance until July with Primex and the committee would have to pick up insurance for the day.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 7:18pm. Motion passes

Respectfully submitted,
                                                        Not approved until signed

Kristy McIntosh, Administrative Assistant

Richard DeBold                                                   Jeffrey Jordan                                                       Tom Jameson